Data Mining and Data Warehousing is Technology New Balance

Data Mining And Data Warehousing Forensic Analyst Data

Data Mining And Data Warehousing Technology Forensic

Digital forensics is the science of identifying, extracting, analyzing and presenting the digital evidence that has been stored in the digital devices. Various digital tools and techniques are being used to achieve this. Our paper explains forensic analysis steps in the storage media, hidden data analysis in the file system, network forensic methods and cyber crime data mining. This paper proposes a new tool which is the combination of digital forensic investigation and crime data mining. The proposed system is designed for finding motive, pattern of cyber attacks and counts of attacks types happened during a period. Hence the proposed tool enables the system administrators to minimize the system vulnerability.

Digital evidence features in just about every part of our personal and business lives. Legal and business decisions hinge on having timely data about what people have actually done. This free course, Digital forensics, is an introduction to computer forensics and investigation, and provides a taster in understanding how to conduct investigations to correctly gather, analyse and present digital evidence to both business and legal audiences. It also outlines the tools to locate and analyse digital evidence on a variety of devices, how to keep up to date with changing technologies, and laws and regulations in digital forensics.
In conjunction with our expert forensic accounting analysis we use data-mining, targeted querying and data matching within financial data (e.g. MYOB data file) to assist investigations, while leaving the original evidence data untainted.

We can analyse your accounting data files and perform a series of detailed tests on the Electronically Stored Information (ESI) in your records including user-entered information as well as the hidden metadata of the information, such as who entered it and when. Think of it as a “risk health check” for the business.

A data warehouse is a technique for collecting and managing data from varied sources to provide meaningful business insights. It is a blend of technologies and components which allows the strategic use of data.

Data Warehouse is electronic storage of a large amount of information by a business which is designed for query and analysis instead of transaction processing. It is a process of transforming data into information and making it available to users for analysis.

Data mining is looking for hidden, valid, and potentially useful patterns in huge data sets. Data Mining is all about discovering unsuspected/ previously unknown relationships amongst the data.

It is a multi-disciplinary skill that uses machine learning, statistics, AI and database technology.

The insights extracted via Data mining can be used for marketing, fraud detection, and scientific discovery, etc.

Why use Data Warehouse?

Some most Important reasons for using Data warehouse are:

    Integrates many sources of data and helps to decrease stress on a production system.
    Optimized Data for reading access and consecutive disk scans.
    Data Warehouse helps to protect Data from the source system upgrades.
    Allows users to perform master Data Management.
    Improve data quality in source systems.

Why use Data mining?

Some most important reasons for using Data mining are:

    Establish relevance and relationships amongst data. Use this information to generate profitable insights
    Business can mak informed decisions quickly
    Helps to find out unusual shopping patterns in grocery stores.
    Optimize website business by providing customize offers to each visitor.
    Helps to measure customer's response rates in business marketing.
    Creating and maintaining new customer groups for marketing purposes.
    Predict customer defections, like which customers are more likely to switch to another supplier in the nearest future.
    Differentiate between profitable and unprofitable customers.
    Identify all kind of suspicious behavior, as part of a fraud detection process.


    A data warehouse is a blend of technologies and components which allows the strategic use of data. It is a process of centralizing data from different sources into one common repository.
    Data mining is looking for hidden, valid, and potentially useful patterns in huge data sets.
    Data Warehouse helps to protect Data from the source system upgrades.
    Data warehouses are used by data scientists, business intelligence developers, to analyze data.
    Data mining technology helps businesses to reach closer to their objectives.